Deep But Not Profound logo

Can you find the secret?

The game is simple: find the rules that make a sentence DEEP but not PROFOUND.

Pick two words - one that may be deep in the first blank, and one that may not be profound in the second. Hit TRY ME, and see if you've got it.

Sucessful or unsucessful, you will not be able to try the same words again. To help, definitions of both words are provided below score area.

To win, you will need to successfully make three different DEEP but not PROFOUND phrases in a row!

but not





Facebook, the ol' standby for sharing stuff Linked In - Anyone still use this? Mastodon - the new Twitter Pinterest - content theft at it's best Pocket - some place to stick it Reddit - where you can fight over it with complete stangers Twitter, now with 100% more Elon Musk Foolishness


About this foolishness: So, years ago (we're talking like three decades) we were sitting around drinking when Nozama introduced us all to a college drinking game: Deep, but not Profound.

It's definitely a game best played while drinking, but sober is a good option, too. Fast forward to 2007, where I sat down, registered the domain, and was going to finally put it online.

In 2008 I let the domain go, 'cause my ADHD self never got around to it.

Fastforward again to 2022, when I happened to be digging through old emails, looking for a missing novel of mine. I happened to see that domain expiration notice from 2008. It made me wonder: did anyone ever pick it up and do something with it?

Well, heck - no one was using it! So, why not make it finally happen as part of my current Patreon Campaign and release it with all the other books and games I'm releasing through it? Which is exactly what happened. Wow, exciting story.

Deep But Not Profound - the site, not the original game - was written by Davis Ray Sickmon, Jr of Midnight Ryder Technologies This site is copyright 2022, Davis Ray Sickmon, Jr.

Not that it's particuarly complicated, but, I may release the client and server code for this all on Github sometime next year, just for kicks.

RELEASE HISTORY December 1, 2022: Version 1.0

December 2, 2022: Verison 1.1

Privacy Policy

You are laboring under the misconception you have some sort of privacy online. Sorry, but really you're traced everywhere. But, here, I do minimize what information I get. You're being seen by Google Analytics (and whavever screwy thing Google wants you search info today), and that's about it. Facebook, Twitter, etc. only see you if you share to them - there are no tracking bugs embedded for those various services.

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Feeling the need to chat with me? Well, you can find me on: